eXpanding CHEMistry: implementing excellence in research and teaching

X-CHEM “eXpanding CHEMistry: implementing excellence in research and teaching” is the name of the project with which the Department of Chemical Sciences and Technologies was selected among the 11 Departments funded in the Chemistry area within the 180 Departments of Excellence 2023-2027  (https://www.anvur.it/news/pubblicato-lelenco-dei-180-dipartimenti-di-eccellenza-2023-2027/).

X-CHEM represents for the DSTC the opportunity to become not only a national but also a European reference point in the Chemistry area, with the aim of permanently entering among the best 100 European Departments, developing new synergies through interaction and collaboration among all the research groups of the various thematic areas present in the Department, thanks also to the creation of an advanced microscopy infrastructure.

The project aims to enhance interdisciplinary activities in the sectors of Energy Transition, Health and Environment coordinated in order to offer a contribution to the resolution of global challenges, in accordance with the principles of sustainable development identified in the Italian and European strategic plans (European Green Deal, Horizon Europe, PNRR, PNR 2021-2027, PNIR), in line with the regional and national Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation.

As part of the X-CHEM project, research projects for young researchers, doctoral scholarships and a fund for visiting professors will also be financed to increase the degree of internationalization of the two reference doctorate courses (Chemical Sciences and Materials for Health, Environment and Energy). The individual economic endowment of PhD students will also be increased, increasing the possibility of participating in international schools, workshops and congresses and of carrying out research activities in collaboration with national and/or international groups.

In terms of human resources, the recruitment of a professor, five researchers, two units of laboratory technical staff, two technical-administrative staff and the activation of four two-year research contracts are envisaged.

The overall value of the X-CHEM project (5 years) is € 7,125,690.

In order to encourage the participation of all DSTC members in X-CHEM project activities and promote cooperation, € 72,000 per year are allocated for salary bonuses to be awarded to teaching and administrative staff according to rules established by specific Regulations that have been formulated, in accordance with the University’s Regulations, to reward activities in the different sectors involved in the project. As envisaged in the project’s Gantt chart, the distribution of annual bonus quotas is planned at months 12, 24, 36, 48, 60.