The strengthening of the human resources will match investments in scientific infrastructures: X-CHEM project will enable the acquisition of new important equipments and the update, and/or implementation, of the existing ones as well.
February 2025 update:
- Micro-Raman spectrometer – the instrument has been delivered and the installation and testing phases will be started as soon as possible.
- FEG SEM – the instrument has been installed and the phase of training staff to use the instrumentation has begun.
- AFM – tender for the purchase will be launched shortly.
February 2024 update:
Technical characteristics, configuration and performance of new instruments, namely Micro-Raman Spectrometer, Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) and Field Emission Gun Scanning Electron Microscope (FEG SEM), have been identified and defined. A thorough market analysis has been carried out too.
The scheduling of procurement tenders is as follows:
- Micro-Raman Spectrometer – tender procedure is complete and adjudication is close to completion.
- FEG SEM Instrument – approved by CdA (Board of Directors) and tender has been published.
- AFM Instrument – approval by the Department and tender documents’ preparation is in progress.