Bodies and Commissions

Head of Department Professor Roberto Paolesse

Deputy Director of Department Professor Elisabetta di Bartolomeo

Department Council

Executive Board

Joint Teaching Staff-Student Committee

Quality Assurance Committee of Department

Research Committee

Programming Committee

Communication and Third Mission Committee

Department Council

The Council defines the goals and strategies of the Department teaching and research activities.

The Council consists of all Full and Associated Professors, Assistant Professors and two delegates of the technical and administrative staff, one delegate of Postdoctoral Fellows, one delegate of PH.D. students, and six delegates of the students.

Full Professors

Associate Professors

Assistant Professors

Delegates of the Technical and Admistrative staff

  1. Andrea Allegri
  2. Alessandro Leoni

Postoctoral Fellows Delegate

PH.D. students delegate

Students Delegates

Documents of Department Council (in italian)

Executive Board

The functions performed by the Director and the Board are regulated in the Department Regulations (DSTC Regulation). The composition of the Board, determined as indicated in the regulation, is indicated below and the elected members are in office for the three-year period 2022-2025:

Professor Roberto PaolesseHead of Department
Professor Elisabetta di BartolomeoDeputy Director of Department
Professor Alessandra D’EpifanioCoordinator of Degree Courses in Chemistry and Master’s Degree in Chemistry
Professor Pierluca GalloniCoordinator of the Degree Course in Chemistry App.
Professor Gaio ParadossiCoordinator of the PhD in Chemical Sciences
Professor Silvia LicocciaCoordinator of the PhD in Materials for Sustainable Development
Professor Gianfranco BocchinfusoAssociate Professor
Professor Anna Maria CaccuriAssociate Professor
Professor Daniel Oscar CiceroAssociate Professor
Professor Barbara MecheriAssociate Professor
Professor Alessandro PorchettaAssociate Professor
Mr Andrea AllegriDelegates of the Technical and Administrative staff
Documents of Executive Board (in italian)

Joint Teaching Staff-Student Committee

The Joint Committee of the Department of Chemical Science and Technologie is composed of student and faculty representatives and is responsible for monitoring and evaluating the teaching activities of the three-year degree courses in Chemistry and Applied Chemistry, the Master’s Degree in Chemistry and the Doctorates in Chemical Sciences and Materials for Sustainable Development. Furthermore, it develops proposals for improving the quality and effectiveness of teaching and student services.

Students enrolled in courses pertaining to the Department may contact the commission to express difficulties, problems or proposals relating to the organization of degree courses, individual courses or any aspect relating to the educational offer and student service activity. To this end, they may contact the coordinator or any member of the commission. Obviously, when requested, maximum confidentiality will be guaranteed on the communications received.


  • Professor Lorenzo Stella. Docente nella Laurea Triennale in Chimica, nella Laurea Magistrale in Chimica e nel Dottorato in Scienze Chimiche – – tel. 06.7259.4463

Student representatives

Teaching Members

  • Professor Emanuela Gatto. Docente nella Laurea Magistrale e nel Dottorato in Materials for Sustainable Development – – tel. 06.7259.4469
  • Professor Laura Micheli. Docente nella Lauree Triennali in Chimica e in Chimica Applicata, nella Laurea Magistrale in Chimica e nel Dottorato in Scienze Chimiche – – tel. 06.7259.4420
  • Professor Massimo Tomellini. Docente nella Laurea Magistrale in Chimica – – tel. 06.7259.4415

Quality Assurance Committee of Department

The Department Quality Assurance Committee is responsible for ensuring that the department’s activities meet high standards of excellence and consistency, responding to the academic and professional needs of students and the requirements established by accreditation bodies. By defining and monitoring quality standards, evaluating teaching and research, managing accreditation procedures and promoting professional training, the committee contributes significantly to the development of the department and the achievement of its long-term goals.

For the three-year period 2022/2025 it is composed of:

  • Professor Massimo Bietti
  • Professor Valeria Conte
  • Professor Roberto Paolesse
  • Professor Francesco Ricci
  • Professor Mariano Venanzi
Documents of Quality Assurance Committee of Department (in italian)

Research Committee

The Research Committee carries out the evaluation and self-evaluation activities of the Department’s research; is the reference body for the articulation of the A.Q. process at the departmental level for research and acts as a liaison with the central bodies responsible for A.Q..

It checks, on a six-monthly basis, the scientific production of the Department, reporting any critical issues to the Department Council, proposing corrective actions. It also assists, in collaboration with the central bodies, the choice of products subjected to evaluation for the VQR.

For the three-year period 2022/2025 it is composed of:

  • Professor Valeria Conte
  • Professor Silvia Licoccia
  • Professor Gaio Paradossi
  • Professor Roberto Paolesse
Documents of Research Committee (in italian)

Programming Committee

The Programming Committee is responsible for developing and managing long- and short-term strategic plans to ensure that the department achieves its academic, research and administrative goals. The Committee monitors the needs of the Scientific Disciplinary Groups and proposes general criteria for the programming of the department’s resources to ensure a strategic development of the teaching staff that is functional to the teaching, scientific and third mission activities of the Department.

For the three-year period 2022/2025 it is composed of:

  • Head or Deputy Director of Department
  • Professor Silvia Licoccia
  • Professor Annamaria Caccuri
  • Professor Massimo Bietti
  • Professor Gaio Paradossi
  • Professor Daniel O. Cicero
  • Professor Elisabetta Di Bartolomeo
  • Professor Francesco Ricci
  • Professor Pietro Tagliatesta
  • Professor Massimo Tomellini
Documents of Programming Committee (in italian)

Communication and Third Mission Committee

The Communication and Third Mission Committee has the task of coordinating and ensuring the correct execution of the actions of evaluation, self-evaluation and monitoring of the quality of the Third Mission of the department. The Committee coordinates the initiatives aimed at offering its interlocutors not only research products, but above all the transfer of knowledge, both scientific-technological and social, defining and evaluating objectives and planned actions. The Committee also plays a fundamental role in managing and coordinating all activities related to the internal and external communication of the department, through the management of the department’s website.

For the three-year period 2022/2025 it is composed of:

  • Professor Marilena Carbone
  • Professor Emanuela Gatto
  • Professor Barbara Mecheri
  • Professor Riccardo Polini
  • Prof.ssa Simona Ranallo
Documents of Communication and Third Mission Committee (in italian)