Synthesis, properties and applications of polycyclic KuQuinones

Further informations:
A small organic compound enhances the religation reaction of human topoisomerase I and identifies the crucial elements for the religation mechanism
B. Arnò, A. Coletta, C. Tesauro, L. Zuccaro, P. Fiorani, S. Lentini, P. Galloni, V. Conte, B. Floris, A. Desideri – Biosci. Rep. 2013, 33, 269-279, doi: 10.1042/BSR20120118
Unexpected one-pot synthesis of highly conjugated pentacyclic diquinoid compounds
A. Coletti, S. Lentini, V. Conte, B. Floris, O. Bortolini, F. Sforza, F. Grepioni, P. Galloni – J. Org. Chem. 2012, 77, 6873-6879, doi: 10.1021/jo300985x