New exciting news from Professor Francesco Ricci’s lab

Antibody-powered nucleic acid release using a DNA-based nanomachine

Published on Nature Communication a joint study of the Department of Chemical Science and Technologies and the Department of Chemistry of the University of Montreal that demonstrates that  by using three different antigens (including one relevant to HIV), it is possible to design different DNA nanomachines regulated by their targeting antibody in a rapid, versatile and highly specific manner. The antibody-powered DNA nanomachines we have developed here may thus be useful in applications like controlled drug-release, point-of-care diagnostics and in vivo imaging. 

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Welcome Professor Dror Seliktar, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology of Haifa (Israel)


We are pleased to announce that Professor Seliktar is our guest as Visiting Professor from May 10th August 10th.

Professor Seliktar will collaborate to Professor Sonia Melino’s research activities and will present several lectures to our community.

Lectures within the framework of the course Biochemistry and Laboratory for Master students in the Chemistry and Material Science students and to Ph D students. All students from different programs are invited to attend:
May 11th / 14:00-16:00 / Lecture Hall 9: Engineering biomaterials to control cell-material interactions
June 8th / 14:00-16:00 / Seminar Room: Hydrogel Biomaterial Scaffolds for 3-D Cell Culture

Professor Seliktar will present his research activity in a seminar titled: Protein and Cell Therapeutics using Polymeric Hydrogel Carriers to be held on June 9th in Aula Magna.

From July 16th to July 26th Professor Seliktar will teach a course for students of the Ph D programs Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Chemical Science and Materials for Health, Environment and Energy entitled “BIOMATERIALS FOR TISSUE ENGINEERING”
Details on the schedule will be given in the near future.


DSTC researchers  hit NATURE GENETICS (IF: 30): Dr. Massimiliano Anselmi, Prof. Gianfranco Bocchinfuso and Prof. Lorenzo Stella contributed to identify the gene whose mutations cause Primrose syndrome, a rare genetic disease associated with mental retardation, facial abnormalities and diabetes.

The study stems from a collaboration of groups from Italy, The Netherlands, Sweden, UK, Poland, Brazil and the US. The physical chemists of our Department contributed with a computational study that elucidated the effects of the pathogenic mutations on the interaction between DNA and the protein coded by the ZBTB20 gene.

(Ref: Mutations in ZBTB20 cause Primrose syndrome. Nature Genetics 201446(8), 815-817)


The Department of Chemical Science and Technology at the University of Rome “Tor Vergala” offers an educational and research experience in the chemical sciences that is rich with challenges and opportunities for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students. Chemistry is a central science and underpins much of the efforts of scientists and engineers to improve life for humankind. Chemistry is taking a leading role in discovering new chemical synthesis, catalysis, creating sustainable energy, theoretical and experimental understanding of chemistry at its most fundamental level, unraveling the biochemical complexities of natural systems, improving the environment. detecting and curing disease, developing materials new properties, nanoscience and much more. VQR 2004/2010:Best Chemistry Department for medium-size Universities in Italy.