Full Professors

Full Professors


Professore Ordinario SSD: IMAT-01/A Scienza e tecnologia dei materialiStanza: E1 – 7
Telefono: (+39) 06 7259 4491 / 4483 Sito web: Materials and Devices for Energy
Photo of Elisabetta DI BARTOLOMEO

Biographical Info

Short CVPubblicazioni
Elisabetta Di Bartolomeo is Professor of Materials Science and Engineering (ING-IND/22). She received italian Laurea in Physics from University of Rome Sapienza and Ph.D. in Materials Engineering from University of Rome Tor Vergata. She is the leader of Solid Oxides Research Group (SORG) (http://made.uniroma2.it/scientific-team/staff/elisabetta-di-bartolomeo/) within the MADE@UTV (Materials and Devices for Energy @ UTV). The scientific activity is focused on research topics concerning the science and technology of materials, electrochemistry and heterogeneous catalysis for applications in the energy and environmental fields. The activity concerns the study, preparation, structural-morphological and electrochemical characterization of nanostructured ceramic materials for devices for the production and conversion of energy such as solid oxide fuel cells, and for environmental monitoring and gas control such as chemical gas sensors. In this context, the research is fundamentally devoted d to the study and development of innovative materials with high performance, low environmental impact, and easily scalable at industrial level. The research activity is witnessed by 117 articles in international journals indexed ISI and/or SCOPUS and about 200 contributions in congresses and national and international conferences. Her work has been cited 3,189 times and its index is 30. H [http://www.scopus.com, March 21, 2022]. She was invited as speaker and as chairwoman in several international conferences. She is lecturer of the course in Materials Technology and Applied Chemistry for Building and Civil Engineering students and Materials Electrochemistry for Applied Chemistry students at University of Rome Tor Vergata. Since 2019, she is the coordinator of the Ph.D. Course in Materials for Environment and Energy, University of Rome Tor Vergata. She was scientific leader of several research projects: at present she is the PI (Principal Investigator) of MARVELOUS “Materiali innovativi per l’utilizzo diretto di biogas in celle a combustibile a ossidi solidi per la produzione sostenibile e decentralizzata di energia “GRUPPI DI RICERCA 2020” POR FESR LAZIO 2014-2020 and PRIN2017 “Direct utilization of bio-fuels in solid oxide fuel cells for sustainable and decentralised production of electric power and heat (DIRECTBIOPOWER)”, Prot. 2017FCFYHK_004 MIUR (2019-2022).