Professore Associato SSD: CHEM-02/A Chimica fisicaStanza: F1 – 1Biographical Info
– Education
2006 University of Rome “Sapienza” Degree in Physics, specialization: Biosystems, Vote: 110/110;
2007 Department of Physics, University of Rome “Sapienza”, Post-graduate studies in biophysics;
2011 Biophysics and Nanoscience Centre, CNISM, Tuscia University, Viterbo, Ph.D. Specialization: Environmental Science (FIS/07);
2012-2014 Physics Dept, University of Rome “Sapienza”, Postdoctoral position (FIS/01), transient membrane sonoporation;
2014-2016 DSTC, University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Postdoctoral position, interaction of microbubbles with biological interfaces, EU program – THERAGLIO – Project n. 602 923 (CHIM/02);
2017-2019 DSTC, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, assistant professor (RTDa) in physical chemistry in the group of Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules;
2017-2019 Department of Physics, University of Rome “Sapienza”, guest researcher.
2019 to 2022, DSTC, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, assistant professor (RTDb) in physical chemistry in the group of Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules;
2006 to present, several training, courses, and schools on neutron and light spectroscopies, SPR and AFM methodologies.
– Present position
Confirmed Associate Professor of Physical Chemistry at the Department of Chemical Science and Technologies, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.
– Research activities
The main scientific interests include:
study of the effects of medical ultrasound on biological cells: structural and permeability alteration on cell plasma membranes and the related healthcare impact on in vitro and in vivo models;
polymer/lipid-shelled ultrasound contrast agents of theranostic relevance: development, nanoscopic characterization and modeling of linear and nonlinear dynamics;
Phase transition droplets for ionizing radiation dosimetry through integrated imaging and artificial intelligence technologies
Nano-biosensing: i) fabrication and near-field analysis of functionalized plasmonic nanoparticle architectures as advanced optical probes to early diagnostics, ii) evaluation of aptamer-Polymer brush films as microfluidic lab-on-chip fluorescence sensors;
polymer nanocarriers: development and physico-chemical characterization of amphiphilic polymer assembly and biopolymeric/thermo-responsive nanogels for selective, efficient delivery of drugs in tumor cells;
investigation of thermo-lyotropic structures made up of bio- and synthetic surfactant assemblies also in presence of DNA and antimicrobial peptides.
– Participation in projects
2022 to present, Principal Investigator and Project Coordinator “Bando Ricerca In Collaborazione” BRIC2022 ID 53 (INAIL);
2021 to present, participant in Bilateral Project Italy (University of Tor Vergata) Israel (Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center): Glioma Targeting by Drug Loaded Engineered Microbubbles;
2020 to present, Principal Investigator and Project Coordinator in “Bando Ricerca In Collaborazione”; BRiC2019 ID43 (INAIL), CUP E84I20000170006;
2018-2020 participant in the INFN project SR3T;
2018-2019 participant in the Lazio Innova project NARAs;
2017-2019 to present, Principal Investigator and Project Coordinator in “Bando Ricerca In Collaborazione”; BRiC2016 ID41 (INAIL), CUP E82F17000890006;
2017 to present, participant in the European project FET Open H2020 “AMPHORA”;
2015 participant in a two-year “Sapienza” University project C26A15MHHJ;
2014-2018 participant in the European project FP7 “THERAGLIO”;
2012 participant (9 months/man) in project FIRB program “Futuro in Ricerca 2012” (RBFR12BUMH);
2007 winner of the project proposal for the Italian region Lazio POR Ob. 3 2000/2006. FSE;
From 2006 to present, participated in 23 experimental research proposals for international Neutron and Synchrotron sources applied to biophysics and nanoscience.
All the aforementioned projects have had positive scientific and economic evaluations, have produced publications, and have had a significant translational impact in the biomedical field.
– Experiments at national and international laboratories centers
Consolidated experience in the laboratories of synchrotron radiation and neutrons and facilities applied to the biophysics of ultrasound, nanoparticles, and biomimetic membranes (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory: Diamond Light Source and ISIS neutron facilities, Harwell Oxford UK; ESRF, Grenoble FR; HZB, Berlin, GE; FRM II, Technical University of Munich, Garching, GE). Dosimetry experiments at the National Center of Oncological Hadrontherapy, Pavia, Italy; in vivo experiments (mouse and rat) at the Interdepartmental Center for Comparative Medicine, Alternative Techniques and Aquaculture, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
– Teaching experience
2022 to present, professor of Biomaterials for master degrees in Science and Technology of Materials, Department of Physics, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.
2018 to present, co-professor of Physical Chemistry 1 and Laboratory for bachelor’s degree in Chemistry, DSTC, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”; Chemistry of Macromolecules with laboratory for bachelor’s degree in Materials Sciences and professor of “Biomaterials” for master degrees in Science and Technology of Materials, Department of Physics, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.
2012-2016 management of the Laboratory of Biophysics, Department of Physics, University of Rome “Sapienza” (Scientific director: Prof. F. Bordi); Laboratory assistant for the course entitled “Laboratory of Biophysics” Department of Physics;
2007 to present, co-supervisor of master degree thesis in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Engineering (23 students in the last 5 years), and of Ph.D. school in Physics, Materials Science, chemistry (5 Ph.D. students).
– Assignments
2022 Member of the doctoral college in Chemistry, DSTC, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
2017 to present, member of evaluation commissions for Ph.D. final exams and research grants
– National qualifications
2020 03/A2 Modelli E Metodologie Per Le Scienze Chimiche, fascia II
2020 02/B1 Fisica Sperimentale Della Materia, fascia II
– Conferences
2006-2022 72 conference proceedings of national or international relevance (three best poster awards).
– Articles and books
from 2008 to 2022, 61 peer-reviewed papers (52 papers, from 2013 to 2022) published in high-level scientific journals (50% as major contributing author); 1 book chapter (ISBN 978-94-017-9132-8, Springer Dordrecht); 1 monograph (ISBN 978-3-639-70616-1, Scholars’ Press).
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