Congrats to Dr. Bertucci and Dr. Rossetti.

Dr. Alessandro Bertucci, former Marie Curie Research Fellow in Francesco Ricci’s group, receives a prestigious Fondazione Umberto Veronesi Fellowship 2020 supporting his work at our department throughout next year. With his project titled “Theranostic Synthetic Bio-Networks Controlled by Oncogenic Transcription Factors”, Alessandro plans on creating DNA-based systems artificially regulated by oncogenic proteins with potential application in sensing or therapy for “precision oncology”.

Breast cancer is the most common and first cause of cancer-associated mortality among women worldwide. Dr. Rossetti Marianna’s project aims to address the unmet needs, opportunities, and challenges in the field of liquid biopsy for the detection of emerging breast cancer biomarkers through the development of a nucleic acid-based Point of Care (PoC) device. The goal of her proposal is to push forward the PoC device developed in 2019, funded by the Fondazione Umberto Veronesi, by including the detection of breast cancer-associated autoantibodies.
Both the research activities will be carried out in the lab of the hosting PI Prof. Francesco Ricci.