Indicazioni per l’esame Finale di Dottorato

  1. The Candidate prepares a power point presentation comprehensive of the whole three years activity, along with an abstract (max 4 pages long, including references) to the coordinator of the PhD School in Chemical Sciences.
  2. The PhD School members read the abstract, listen to the presentation of the results and give an evaluation about the work that has been presented.
  3. If the activity is NOT approved, the Candidate will have to follow the indications of the Tutor(s) and of the PhD School.
  4. If the activity is approved, the Candidate and the Tutor(s) suggest to the PhD Coordinator the names of two potential Reviewers who will have to provide their comments within one month time at max.
  5. Once the Reviewers release their comments, the Candidate will implement the Thesis accordingly.
  6. After implementations, the Candidate uploads on Delphi platform the revised version of the Thesis.
  7. The Candidate registers on Delphi for the final examination.
  8. The Thesis will be defended by the Candidate in front of an external Commission. The final dissertation lasts 45 min + 15 min for discussion and schedule depends on the availability of the Commission members.