Professori Ordinari
Professore Ordinario SSD: CHEM-03/A Chimica generale e inorganicaStanza: AB1 – 19Informazioni biografiche
Degree: Laurea in Chemistry. Rome May 20th , 1980
Professional interests: Porphyrins chemistry, electrochemistry and organometallic chemistry. electron-trasfer on models with porphyrins and C60.
He is coauthor of more than 100 papers on international journals of chemistry and one patent. He is currently referee for Journal of Organic Chemistry, Chemistry-A European Journal, Inorganic Chemistry, Journal of Physical Chemistry, European Journal of Organic Chemistry, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, Inorganica Chimica Acta, Journal of Molecular Catalysis, Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry.
Member of the Italian Chemical Society and the American Chemical Society
He has been PI of a research unit in four research projects for the italian PRIN(research projects of national interest)
In 2006 Professor Pietro Tagliatesta was co-chairman for the International Congress ICPP-4 in Rome.
Instagram: startnetics
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