Professori Associati

Professori Associati

Pierluca GALLONI

Professore Associato SSD: CHEM-05/A Chimica organicaStanza: G1 – 3
Telefono: (+39) 06 7259 4380 Sito web: Organic and Organometallic Chemistry
Foto di Pierluca GALLONI

Informazioni biografiche

Short CVPubblicazioni
Pierluca Galloni is associate professor of Organic Chemistry from December 2018 at Department of Chemical Sciences and Technologies of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. He received his doctorate in Chemical Sciences in March 2006. He worked as post-doc at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” in the laboratories of Prof Zanoni in 2006 and then he became researcher in Organic Chemistry in December 2006 at University of Rome “Tor Vergata” until December 2018. He was visiting PhD student in 2004 at the University of Houston, (USA), Prof. K. Kadish group, and Marie Curie Fellow from October to December 2004 at the University of Amsterdam in the group of Prof. L. De Cola. He was visiting scientist in February 2007 at the University of Minnesota-Duluth (USA) in the group of Prof. V. Nemykin and in April 2008 at CeNTech Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität in Münster, in the group of Prof. Luisa De Cola.
The research activity is focused in the synthesis and the study of organic molecules containing redox-active centers, in particular tetraferrocenylporphyrins (TFcPs) and KuQuinones, studying their electronic, photochemical and electrochemical properties, as well their bio-medical applications.
Another research interest is the study of V catalysed oxidations and oxybromination with peroxides for the synthesis of organic molecules, focusing the attention on sustainable processes.
He is member of the Italian Chemical Society (SCI) since 2002.
He is author of 61 publications in international journals, 2 chapters book, 2 international patent, about 120 oral presentations and posters at international and national conferences, including 4 invited oral presentations. He was in the organizing committee of the 9th International Vanadium Symposium (V9), held in Padova, in 2014. He is winner of the JA-Italia competition and the StartCup Lazio in 2016 for innovative start-up. He is co-founder and CEO of BT-InnoVaChem, academic spin-off of the University of Rome Tor Vergata.