Professori Associati

Professori Associati


Professore Associato SSD: CHEM-01/A Chimica AnaliticaStanza: F0 – 11
Telefono: (+39) 06 7259 4420 / 4403
Foto di Laura MICHELI

Informazioni biografiche

Short CVPubblicazioni
Associate Professor in Analytical Chemistry; 2002-2014: Researcher in Analytical Chemistry  at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. The research activity of Prof. Micheli is focalized on the study and development of disposable electrochemical tools for the determination of several analyte in food, in clinical and cultural heritage fields, using for their validation spectrophotometric and chromatographic methods. Also she has been involved in the development of immunosensors and interference-free biosensors based on screen printed electrodes (SPEs) in the field of environmental, clinical and food analysis. She collaborates from 2006 until now with the Department of CEMIS-OULU of the University of Oulu for development novel techniques for biosensor platform and new tolls for research. In 2019 she won TECO Project (Technological Eco-Innovations for the Quality Control and the Decontamination of Polluted Water and Soils Grant), for developing rapid determination of aflatoxins and estrogenic compounds in water and food using screen printed electrodes.
From 2008, she is involved in the development of new analytical methods for integrated diagnostics in cultural heritage, application of non-invasive protocols to the study of the materials of Cultural Heritage, with particular reference to paper and wood artworks; assessment of conservation strategies in Cultural Heritage, with close collaboration with restorers of library and archive artefacts, in particular with ICRCPAL (Istituto Centrale per il Restauro e la Conservazione del Patrimonio Archivistico e Librario. In this contest, she has collaborated with restorers of ICRCPAL (Istituto Centrale per il Restauro e la Conservazione del Patrimonio Archivistico e Librario), ISC-CNR (Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi, Centro Nazionale delle Ricerche) and Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) Drs Mazzuca is involved in several projects, among which Progetti Gruppi di Ricerca–Lazio Innova 85-2017-15290 (LR 13/2008 art. 4 cap. 2018/11092); SoftART (Bando Miur – FARE Ricerca in Italia,2016).
She published about 62 papers on international journals (HI Scopus: 21).