Professori Associati

Professori Associati


Professore Associato SSD: CHEM-01/B Chimica dell’ambiente e dei beni culturaliStanza: 11 PP1, primo piano
Telefono: (+39) 06 7259 4403
Foto di Federica VALENTINI

Informazioni biografiche

Short CVPubblicazioni
Scopus: “Valentini, Federica” 8921111600
Hindex 28 (june 2019)
citations = 2306 (june 2019)

98-99 Chemistry Laurea, Roma Sapienza Univ. (Italy)
2000-2003 Ph.D. degree in Chemical Sciences, Univ. of  Tor Vergata, Roma (Italy)
February/2005–August/2005 Post-doc student with prof. Joseph Wang at Arizona State Univ., Biodesign Institute, Tempe (USA)
From 2007 to today Full time Researcher associated to the Chemical Sciences and Technologies Department, Tor Vergata University Roma (Italy). From September 2017 aggregate professor
24 March 2010 second specialist degree in Materials Sciences and Technologies, at Tor Vergata University (Rome)
April 2015 – February 2018 scientific director and partner (2%) of the innovative start-up GraN Hub Srl
October 2015 second prize winner in the Lazio 2015 start cup competition (Roma)
December 2015 PNI Cube award for the best innovative start-up, Rende Cosenza (Italy)
January 2017 United Kingdom and Business Award for GraN Hub Srl, as the best and innovative start up on Graphene applications
January 2017 BioInItaly Award as Best innovative start-up in the BioMedicale field application (Banca Intesa San Paolo, Via del Corso Roma)
October 2017 Member of INUIT Tor Vergata University Foundation for Third Mission activities

Dr. Valentini published her scientific results in more than 80 papers in International peer reviewed Journals (of which 75 indexed scopus, june 2019) and 2 Patents. She presented her research in 100 International and National meetings, several times as invited speaker (6 invited in international meetings in the last 5 years).